Awesomenauts and Sony's Fat Princess, and's World of Tanks and World of Warplanes are also forbidden.LCS participants are disallowed from streaming the games outright, not just directly before, after or during a League of Legends match. (Lest you wonder who buynfl18coins has the brain capacity to play two games at once, shorter games such as
Hearthstone are a popular choice for those waiting in long queues to start a new LoL match.) They're also prohibited from streaming or advertising gambling websites, non-"over-the-counter" drugs, firearms, porn and tobacco. Riot Games has since confirmed that the restrictions are indeed genuine.
The company's grounds for the restrictions, as laid out by Riot's director of eSports, are that the company wants "League of Legends to be a legitimate sport," and that there is "a lot of structural work that needs to be done to ensure a true professional setting.""I can't stress enough how these guys in the LCS are on the road to being real, legitimate athletes," runs the statement.
"This is new territory for a lot of teams (especially in eSports), because the transition goes from being a group of talented individuals to being real icons of a sport and a league. Similarly, you probably wouldn't see an NFL player promoting Arena Football or a Nike-sponsored player wearing Reebok on camera.
Pro players are free to play whatever games they want -- we're simply asking them to keep in mind that, on-stream, they're the face of competitive League of Legends."Besides downvoting "RiotMagus" to oblivion -- the statement is on -294 points on Reddit at the time of writing -- many disgruntled League of Buy Madden Mobile Coins Legends players noted that some of the comparisons were inaccurate; the.